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Single party saarland 2013

Single party saarland 2013

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With an area of 2, km 2 sq mi and population ofinit is the smallest German state in both area and population apart from the city-states of BerlinBremenand Hamburg. Saarland is mainly surrounded by the department of Moselle Grand Est in France to the west and south and the neighboring state of Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany to the north and east; it also shares a small border about 8 kilometres 5 miles long with the canton of Remich in Luxembourg to the northwest.

Saarland was established in after World War I as the Territory of the Saar Basinoccupied and governed by France under a League of Nations mandate. The heavily industrialized region was economically valuable, due to the wealth of its coal deposits and location single party saarland 2013 the border between France and Single party saarland 2013. Saarland was returned to Nazi Germany in the Saar status referendum. Following World War IIthe French military administration in Allied-occupied Germany organized the territory as the Saar Protectorate on 16 February After the Saar Statute referendumit joined the Federal Republic of Germany as a state on 1 January Saarland used its own currency, the Saar francand postage stamps issued specially for the territory until The region of the Saarland was settled by the Celtic tribes of Treveri and Mediomatrici.

The most impressive relic of their time is the remains of a fortress of refuge at Otzenhausen in the north of the Saarland, single party saarland 2013.

In the 1st century BC, the Roman Empire made the region part of its province of Belgica. The Celtic population mixed with the Roman immigrants.

The region gained wealth, which can still be seen in the remains of Roman villas and villages. Roman rule single party saarland 2013 in the 5th century, when the Franks conquered the territory, single party saarland 2013. For the next 1, years the region shared the history of the Kingdom of the Franksthe Carolingian Empire and of the Holy Roman Empire. The region of the Saarland was divided into several small territories, some of which were ruled by sovereigns of adjoining regions.

Most important of the local rulers were the counts of Nassau-Saarbrücken. Within the Holy Roman Empire these territories gained a wide range of independence, threatened, single party saarland 2013, however, by the French kingswho sought, from the 17th century onwards, to incorporate all the territories on the western side of the river Rhine and repeatedly invaded the area inininand insingle party saarland 2013, extending their realm to the river Saar and establishing the city and stronghold of Saarlouis in It was not the king of France but the armies of the French Revolution who terminated the independence of the states in single party saarland 2013 region of the Saarland.

After they conquered the region and made it part of the French Republic. While a strip in the west belonged to the Département Moselle single party saarland 2013, the centre in became part of the Département de Sarresingle party saarland 2013, and the east became part of the Département du Mont-Tonnerre.

After the defeat of Napoleon inthe region was divided again. Most of it became part of the Prussian Rhine Province. Another part in the east, corresponding to the present Saarpfalz district, was allocated to the Kingdom of Bavaria. A small part in the northeast was ruled by the Duke of Oldenburg. On 31 Julythe French Emperor Napoleon III ordered an invasion across the River Saar to seize Saarbrücken. The Saar region became part of the German Empire which came into existence on 18 Januaryduring the course of this war.

In the Saargebiet was occupied by Britain and France under the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. The occupied area included portions of the Prussian Rhine Province and the Bavarian Rhenish Palatinate. In practice the region was administered by France.

In this was formalized by a year League of Nations mandate. Ina considerable number of communists and other political opponents of National Socialism fled to the Saar, as it was the only part of Germany that remained outside national administration following the First World War. As a result, anti-Nazi groups agitated for the Saarland to remain under French administration.

However, with most of the population being ethnically German, such views were considered suspect or even treasonous, and therefore found little support. When the original year term was over, a plebiscite was held in the territory on 13 January Following the referendum Josef Bürckel was appointed on 1 March as the German Reich 's commissioner for reintegration Reichskommissar für die Rückgliederung des Saarlandes.

When the reincorporation was considered accomplished, his title was changed after 17 June to Reichskommissar für das Saarland. In Septemberin response to the German Invasion of PolandFrench forces invaded the Saarland in a half-hearted offensive, occupying some villages and meeting little resistance, single party saarland 2013, before withdrawing.

A further change was made after 8 April to Reichskommissar für die Saarpfalz ; finally, after 11 Marchhe was made Reichsstatthalter in der "Westmark" the region's new name, single party saarland 2013, meaning "Western March or Border". He died on 28 September and was succeeded by Willi Stöhrwho remained in office until the region fell to advancing American forces in March After World War IIthe Saarland came under French occupation and administration again, as the Saar Protectorate, single party saarland 2013.

Under the Monnet Plan France attempted to gain economic control of the German industrial areas with large coal and mineral deposits that were not in Soviet hands: the Ruhr and the Saar area. Attempts to gain control of or permanently internationalize the Ruhr area see International Authority for the Ruhr were abandoned in with the German agreement to pool its coal and steel resources see European Coal and Steel Community in return for full political control of the Ruhr.

The French attempt to gain economic control over the Saar was more successful at the time, with the final vestiges of French economic influence not ending until In his speech " Restatement of Policy on Germany ", made in Stuttgart on 6 SeptemberUnited States Secretary of State James F.

Byrnes stated the U. motive in detaching the Saar from Germany: "The United States does not feel that it can deny to France, which single party saarland 2013 been invaded three times by Germany in 70 years, [Note 1] its claim to the Saar territory". From toa policy of industrial disarmament was pursued in Germany by the Allies see the industrial plans for Germany.

As part of this policy, limits were placed on production levels, and industries in the Saar were dismantled just as in the Ruhr, although mostly in the period prior to its detachment see also the letter from the UK Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin to the French Foreign Minister Robert Schumanurging a reconsideration of the dismantling policy.

Inthe French government established the Saarland University under the auspices of the University of Nancy. It is the principal university in the Bundeslandthe other being HTW. The Saar Protectorate was headed by a military governor from 30 August Gilbert Yves Edmond Grandval —who remained, on 1 Januaryas High Commissionersingle party saarland 2013, and January — June as the first of two French ambassadors, his successor being Éric de Carbonnel — until Saarland, single party saarland 2013, however, was allowed a regional administration very early, consecutively headed by:.

InFrance and the Federal Republic of Germany West Germany developed a detailed plan called the Saarstatut to establish an independent Saarland, single party saarland 2013. It was signed as an agreement between the two countries on 23 October as one of the Paris Pactsbut a plebiscite held on 23 October rejected it by On 27 Octoberthe Saar Treaty declared that Saarland should be allowed to join the Federal Republic of Germany, single party saarland 2013, which it did on 1 January This was the last significant international border change in Europe until the fall of Communism over 30 years later.

The Saarland's unification with the Federal Republic of Germany was sometimes referred to as the Single party saarland 2013 Wiedervereinigung "little reunification", in contrast with the post-Cold War absorption of the GDR Die Wende. After unification, the Saar franc remained as the territory's currency until West Germany's Deutsche Mark replaced it on 7 July The Saar Treaty established that French, not English as in the rest of West Germany, should remain the first foreign language taught in Saarland schools; this provision was still largely followed after it was no longer binding.

SinceSaarland has been a member of SaarLorLuxa euroregion created from Saarland, LorraineLuxembourgRhineland Palatinateand Wallonia. The state borders France département of Mosellewhich forms part of the région of Grand Est [4] to the south and west, Luxembourg Grevenmacher District to the west and Rheinland-Pfalz to the north and the east.

It is named after the river Saara tributary of the Moselle itself a tributary of the Rhinewhich runs through the state from the south to the northwest. One third of the land area of the Saarland is covered by forest, one of the highest percentages in Germany. The state is generally hilly; the highest mountain is the Dollberg with a height of Most inhabitants live in a city agglomeration on the French border, single party saarland 2013, surrounding the capital of Saarbrücken.

See also List of places in Saarland. The following table shows the ten largest cities of Saarland: [7]. Saarland is the most religious state in Germany. The adherents of the Catholic Church comprise Except for the period between and — when the centre-left Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD held a majority of seats in the Landtag state diet — the centre-right Christian Democratic Union CDU has governed the Saarland, either alone or in coalitioncontinuously since the accession of the state to the Federal of Republic of Germany in The Gross domestic product GDP of the state was The GDP per capita was the second lowest of all states in West Germany.

Important income sources are the automobile industry, steel industry, ceramic industry and computer science and information systems industry. In the past, coal mining [11] was an important branch of industry. The unemployment rate stood at 5. Saarland is home to the Saarland University and the administrative headquarters of the Franco-German University, single party saarland 2013. People in the Saarland speak Rhine Franconian in the southeast, very similar to that dialect spoken in the western part of the Palatinate and Moselle Franconian in the northwest, very similar to that dialect spoken along the river Moselle and the cities of Trier or even in Luxembourg.

Both dialects, particularly in their respective Saarland flavour, share many characteristic features, some of which will be explained below. Women and girls are often referred to using the neuter pronoun eswith the pronunciation being something like Ähs : Ähs hat mir's gesaat ' it told me so', instead of ' she told me so'; vs. High German: Sie hat es mir gesagt. This stems from the word Mädchen girl being neuter in German es is correct in German when referring to words like Mädchen but would not be used by itself in reference to a woman.

Diphthongs are less common than in Standard German. This is because the Standard German diphthongs ei and au are each the result of a merger of two Middle High German vowels — however, these mergers did not take place in the Saarland, and only one of the two merged vowels is pronounced as a diphthong. The front rounded vowels öüand eu are replaced by eiand ei respectively. Both the Rhine Franconian and Moselle Franconian dialects and Luxemburgish have merged the palatal fricative sound as in ich with the post-alveolar fricative as in frisch 'fresh', causing minimal pairs such as Kirche 'church' and Kirsche 'cherry' to be pronounced in the same way.

French has had a considerable influence on the vocabulary, although the pronunciation of imported French words is usually quite different from their originals. Popular examples include Trottwaa from trottoirFissääl from ficelleand the imperative or greeting aalleh!

from allez! The English sentence 'My house is green' is pronounced almost the same in the Rhine Franconian variant: Mei Haus is grien. The main difference lies in the pronunciation of the r sound. Regional beer brewer Karlsberg has taken advantage of the Saarlandish dialect to single party saarland 2013 clever advertising for its staple product, UrPils.

Examples include a trio of men enjoying a beer, flanked by baby carriages, the slogan reading "Mutter schafft" meaning "Mum's at work" in Saarlandish, but plays on the High German word "Mutterschaft", or "motherhood" ; another depicts a trio of men at a bar, with one realizing his beer has been drunk by one of the others, the slogan reading "Kenner war's" meaning "It was no one" [ Keiner war es ] in Saarlandish, but playing on the High German word "Kenner"single party saarland 2013 "connoisseur", translating to "It was a connoisseur" ; a third shows an empty beer crate in the middle of outer space, the text reading "All" meaning "empty" in Saarlandish, but playing on the same High German word meaning "outer space", single party saarland 2013.

The French language has a special standing in Saarland due to its geographical proximity single party saarland 2013 France. Single party saarland 2013, a large part of the population is able to speak French, single party saarland 2013, and it is compulsory at many schools.

In January the Saarland state government announced its aim of making the region fully bilingual in German and French by The Saar competed in the qualifying section of the FIFA World Cupbut failed after coming second to West Germany but ahead of Norway. It also competed as Saar in the Summer Olympics and the field handball world championships in the beginning of the s. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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single party saarland 2013

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